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OpenID Connect for Beginners

all security getting started security concepts Dec 07, 2023

Welcome to the Simple World of OpenID Connect

In our digital age, verifying who you are online can be as crucial as showing your ID at the airport. That's where OpenID Connect (OIDC) comes in. It might sound like a techie term, but it's actually a straightforward way to prove your identity online. Let's break it down into easy-to-understand language and compare it with technologies like SAML and OAuth.

What is OpenID Connect?

Think of OpenID Connect as your digital ID card. It's a protocol built on top of OAuth 2.0 (the standard that helps apps access your data securely). While OAuth 2.0 is like a key that grants access to your house, OpenID Connect is like the ID card you show to prove that the house is indeed yours.

Key Features:

  • Identity Token: It provides a token that contains information about your identity.
  • Standardized: Unlike OAuth 2.0, which can be implemented in various ways, OIDC is more standardized for handling identity.

Real-World Examples:

  1. Logging into Websites: Using your Google account to log into different websites and apps.
  2. Mobile App Authentication: Signing into a mobile app with your Facebook account.

OpenID Connect vs. SAML and OAuth

  • SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language): Used mostly in corporate environments for single sign-on (SSO), it’s like a passport for accessing different company services. It's more complex and suited for enterprise-level applications.
  • OAuth: As mentioned, it's about giving apps permission to access your data. It’s the foundation upon which OIDC is built.
  • OIDC vs. OAuth: If OAuth is the process of giving someone a key to your house, OIDC is proving to the locksmith that the house is indeed yours.

Why Use OpenID Connect?

  1. Simplicity and Standardization: It provides a more straightforward and consistent approach to identity verification.
  2. Mobile-Friendly: OIDC works well with mobile app authentication, which is vital in our smartphone-centric world.
  3. Broad Adoption: Being an extension of OAuth 2.0, it's widely accepted and used by major tech players.


OpenID Connect is more than just a tech buzzword; it’s a crucial part of your online identity. Understanding it helps you navigate the digital world with more confidence and security.

Whether you're a user trying to keep your digital identity safe or a developer building user-friendly and secure applications, knowing about OpenID Connect is an asset.

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