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Understanding OAuth 2.0 with Real World Examples

all security security concepts Dec 07, 2023


OAuth 2.0 is the backbone of modern online security and access management! It might sound complex, but let's unravel it together in a straightforward, no-nonsense manner. We'll also compare it with SAML and OpenID Connect and take a brief look at how it evolved from its predecessor.

What is OAuth 2.0?

Picture this: We're using a photo editing app and want to access our pictures stored on a cloud service. Instead of handing over our cloud service password (a big no-no for security), OAuth 2.0 steps in. It's like a digital permission slip, allowing the app to access our photos without ever knowing our password.

Key Features

  • Access Tokens: OAuth 2.0 uses 'tokens' - special codes that give the app limited access to our account.
  • Scopes and Permissions: We can control exactly what the app can do. Maybe it can view our photos but not delete them.

Real-World Examples

  1. Social Media Logins: Using our Facebook or Google account to log into other apps.
  2. Third-Party App Integrations: Like connecting a fitness app to our Google account to track workouts.

OAuth 2.0 vs. SAML and OpenID Connect

  • SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language): This is more about identity verification and is often used for single sign-on (SSO) in corporate environments. Think of logging into our company's various systems with one set of credentials.
  • OpenID Connect: Built on top of OAuth 2.0, it adds an identity layer. While OAuth 2.0 is like a permission slip, OpenID Connect is like a driver's license, proving who we are.

OAuth 2.0 vs. OAuth 1.0

  • Simpler and More Flexible: OAuth 2.0 is easier to work with and more adaptable to modern web applications compared to OAuth 1.0.
  • Bearer Tokens: Unlike OAuth 1.0’s complex signature process, OAuth 2.0 uses bearer tokens which are simpler but require SSL/TLS for security.

Why Use OAuth 2.0?

  1. Security: It keeps our passwords safe.
  2. Control: We decide what data apps can access.
  3. Convenience: No need to create and remember multiple passwords.


OAuth 2.0 isn’t just tech jargon; it's an essential part of our online life, balancing security and convenience. Whether we're a regular user, a developer, or somewhere in between, understanding OAuth 2.0 can help us navigate the digital world more safely and seamlessly.

See more

Read more about OAuth at

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